Psoriasis in adults - treatment, causes, symptoms

A large percentage of the world's population suffers from psoriasis. This disease affects all ages, because once it appears, the disease will never be cured.

symptoms of psoriasis on the hands

In this article, we will take a closer look at the causes and symptoms of psoriasis in adults, as well as consider methods of treatment with folk remedies and drugs, find out what experts in the field of psychosomatics think about it.


According to statistics, most often the first symptoms of psoriasis can appear at the age of fifteen to twenty-five if a person has a predisposition to psoriasis. Psoriasis is chronic. This means that no matter what stage the person is ill with, what medications are used for therapy and for how long, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the disease forever.

The main cause of psoriasis is still unknown. There is an opinion among scientists that if psoriasis appeared before the age of twelve, then the main role in this case is played by a hereditary factor. If an elderly person suffers from psoriasis, then psoriasis is associated with the work of the immune system, as well as the negative effects of bacteria and viruses. There are the following main causes of psoriasis in adults:

  • Heredity. According to research, most psoriasis sufferers in the family have sufferers of the same disease or other chronic dermatoses.
  • Genetic disorders that occur due to the entry of special viruses and bacteria can lead to changes in the structure of chromosomes. The risk for this process increases with the violation of the immune system.
  • Secondary skin infection, purulent inflammation increase the risk of developing the disease.
  • Violation of metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If the indicators deviate from the norm according to the biochemical blood test, then the risk of developing the disease increases. There are also changes in the functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  • Chronic inflammatory process in the patient, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media. Patients with psoriasis have high levels of lymphocytes and leukocytes in the blood.
  • In unsuitable climatic conditions for the patient's skin, ie with dry or too humid air, disorders in the division of skin cells are observed.
  • Stress, depression, anxiety can lead to the development of psoriasis.
  • Taking antibiotics, immunomodulators leads to the appearance of symptoms of psoriasis.
  • Alcohol and tobacco abuse increase the risk.
  • Other disorders of skin cell division.
  • Insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals entering the body.
  • Improper diet, consuming foods with a lot of allergens.
  • Overweight.

These factors cause psoriasis. Contributions and diseases of internal organs.

If the patient has noticed the appearance of skin rash, dryness, roughness, then a doctor should be consulted for a diagnosis, because the external symptoms of most skin diseases at the beginning of development are similar.

To guess what kind of disease the patient develops before diagnosis, you should look at photos of psoriasis symptoms in adults on forums or in a special part of the page, after which you should definitely consult a doctor, because self-diagnosis can be wrong and wrong self-medication can worsen health. .

If a person suffers from psoriasis, he is prescribed medication to maintain remission, and recommendations are given to prevent recurrence.

But even in this case, relapse still occurs within a few years, and various factors such as stress, anxiety, diseases of the endocrine system, contact with chemicals, taking antibiotics, hormones and immunomodulators, bad habits, dysfunction of the immune system can accelerate others. reasons.

The disease is seasonal and can recur every year at a certain time of year. Psoriasis usually returns to patients during the winter season, when the skin does not have enough sunlight, and the symptoms disappear when warmed up. Climate change may contribute to relapse.

According to psychosomatics, psoriasis in adults is related to its position in life. The more positive a person is in everything, the easier it is for psoriasis.


Symptoms in many patients vary in their activity, but the general characteristics of the disease remain.

First of all, the main symptom of psoriasis is a red rash on the skin, whose photo can be seen in the section. At the very beginning of the disease, pink or red papules appear on the skin that can peel off.

If the patient does not take appropriate measures at this stage, then the affected area may increase, causing the skin to become red, swollen, and unbearable itching may occur, causing the patient to scratch the affected areas. The infection can get into scratches, causing a secondary infection.

After that, wounds are formed in the combed places, which can begin to bleed by further combing. The skin hardens, dries, and white or gray plaques form on the skin. Psoriasis often develops not only on the skin, but even on the nails.

Then the rash becomes redder, the affected areas become more noticeable, the plaques are larger. The line between healthy and diseased skin is noticeable. Diseased areas may be slightly elevated above healthy ones.

Patients suffer from itching, pain and skin irritation. If the patient ignores the doctor's recommendations and does not start the prescribed course of treatment, the symptoms will not only not go away, but will get worse.

If the patient follows all the advice of a dermatologist, the symptoms will disappear, the itching and irritation will disappear, the redness will gradually subside. The skin will become hydrated and soft. Here the disease goes into remission.

But after that there can be a recurrence of psoriasis, which is characterized by the appearance of new areas of damage. Plaques reappear, a thermal film may appear under the plaques, which tears and bleeds when scratched. Again, a secondary infection can enter the wound. Cracks appear on dry skin.

The disease is localized on different parts of the body, but psoriasis usually occurs in the scalp, elbows and knees, feet, palms.

A pregnant woman can also get psoriasis. You should take twice as much care of your health, because a disease without proper treatment can cause miscarriage.

Treatment of psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis begins with the fact that the doctor first diagnoses the disease. Since many skin diseases are similar in symptoms, especially at the very beginning of the development of the disease, special studies will be needed for the diagnosis.

The patient must be given a blood test, and a skin biopsy is performed to study the skin cells in more detail. Many experienced dermatologists diagnose the disease only by external signs, but research provides more detailed information about the patient's skin condition.

First of all, a patient with psoriasis is prescribed a special diet that excludes all allergens from the diet, helps to stop the production of histamine and, as a result, alleviate the symptoms of skin disease.

It is necessary to give up fast food, because it lacks vitamins and minerals useful for health and immunity, which are needed by patients with psoriasis. Patients should give preference to those products in which there is a sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients.

You cannot eat sweet, spicy, fried, smoked, salty and pepper beans, coffee and strong tea, fruits and vegetables with red pigment.

Folk remedies for adults

Traditional methods are still popular today among many patients with psoriasis, although doctors do not recommend resorting to them because the consequences of such therapy are unknown. It is necessary to visit a doctor during the entire treatment, because it is necessary to do tests in order to check the effectiveness of the treatment process.

Usually home remedies include the following products to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis:

  • Various medicinal herbs that patients collect and dry both on their own and bought ready-made in pharmacies, which is more recommended. Herbs are cooked and compresses are made, external skin treatment is performed.
  • Homemade ointments are also widely used in patients. Patients choose products such as propolis, solidol, sea buckthorn oil for fats. After mixing, these components must be applied to the affected areas. The mixture will remove inflammation, relieve itching, skin irritation.
  • Baths are used everywhere to treat dermatological diseases. They are also prescribed by doctors as part of a complex therapy. Ingredients such as sea salt, celandine juice, calamus root and many other herbs are added to the baths. Usually the patient is given about twenty minutes of bathing. During this time, the substance added to the water will eliminate inflammation, normalize blood circulation and improve the condition of the dermis. Sea salt is also used in the form of a poultice, which can be used when the disease is localized on a small area of skin.
  • Friction ointments are also effective in treating the symptoms of psoriasis. Ointment variants include tar-based ointment, sea buckthorn oil and salicylic alcohol, taken in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected areas and covered with polyethylene. Then rinse the grease with water.

Folk remedies are usually used as part of a complex therapy to increase the effectiveness of drugs. In its independent form, folk recipes rarely help to eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis.


Researchers from all over the world have developed a unique treatment regimen for various dermatological diseases. According to her, the therapy should be carried out with the following goals:

  • Eliminate the main symptoms of skin diseases. In the case of psoriasis, it is redness and peeling of the skin.
  • Inflammation of the skin.
  • Unpleasant appearance of the skin, redness, gray plaques often lead to patients having complexes around their skin. The quality of life of patients with psoriasis is usually lower than in healthy people.

A number of different psoriasis medications are usually prescribed. Treatment can take a long time, in addition, psoriasis can recur after a while, and then it will have to be treated again. It is recommended to adhere to preventive measures to reduce the risk of recurrence.

The complex for the treatment of psoriasis of the skin in adults includes not only drugs, but also prescriptions of traditional medicine, which increase the effectiveness of drugs. A special diet for psoriasis, which excludes allergens from the diet, should also be followed.

It is recommended to attend physical therapy, which also has a preventive effect.

Patients are prescribed drugs of different groups.

Antihistamines block the production of histamine, which eliminates symptoms such as itching, swelling, skin irritation, redness - or anything related to an allergic reaction.

Sedatives can reduce irritation, redness, itching and other symptoms of psoriasis.

Preparations that eliminate inflammation and relieve pain.

Mandatory treatment complex includes preparations in the form of ointments for psoriasis on the skin in adults. They can be either non-hormonal, ie they contain only natural ingredients that do not cause systemic side effects, or hormonal, which contain the active ingredient in the composition, which effectively alleviates the symptoms of psoriasis.

Non-hormonal agents include salicylic, tar, and ichthyol ointments. There are non-hormonal products in the form of creams, solutions.

It is recommended to take sorbents - activated carbon.

In case of complications, many patients are prescribed immunomodulators, ie drugs that correct the work of the immune system.

It is also recommended to attend physiotherapy courses, for example, ultraviolet radiation, cryotherapy, laser radiation.


If a person is diagnosed with psoriasis, treatment should be started immediately, following all the doctor's recommendations. The sooner a person reaches remission, the sooner they can return to their previous pace of life.

It is also recommended to engage in supportive care or adhere to preventive measures that will protect against relapse.

Skin contact with external irritants and aggressive substances should be limited. For example, do not come into contact with chemicals, and if necessary, use protective equipment.

You should not stay in direct sunlight for a long time, because excess ultraviolet radiation can cause relapse.

You should also prevent the patient from getting into stressful situations that contribute to relapse. In order not to be under stress, you should drink those herbal preparations that your neurologist prescribes.

Also, a sharp drop in temperature or humidity should not be allowed. Too dry or humid air causes deterioration.

The skin should be cared for, hydrated with skin care products.

A visit to the sea is recommended, because it has salt water that has a positive effect on the skin, especially with psoriasis.

It is recommended to follow a proper diet and consume vitamin and mineral complexes.